About the Faculty of Basic Training


         Faculty of basic preparation (FBP) is a structural unit of EI Almaty Management University which carries out basic preparation for 1 year students and focuses its efforts in the following areas:

1. Ensuring the quality of basic preparation for mastering a professional program.

2. Implementation of trilingual education.

3. Preparation  in Foundation program to ensure a smooth transition from secondary education to University system;

4. High efficiency of education organization due to standardization and unification.

5. Development of high standards of academic honesty.

6. Formation of psychology, aimed at leadership and entrepreneurial spirit.

7. Education of social responsibility, formation of high moral principles and personal qualities.


Mission of FBP

We are laying the grounds to prepare future business leaders with a high level of professional knowledge and skills, personal qualities and socio-moral values.


        Criteria of quality of mastering educational disciplines is the fact that students, who completed the first course, have transferable GPA not less than 2.0.

Educational programs of basic preparation increase the share of international component every year, and develop interactive methods of teaching. Compliance of the quality of educational programs with international standards is confirmed by international and national program accreditations.

Training is conducted in Kazakh, Russian and English.

Form of study: full

        FBP consists of the following units:

• Dean's office;

• Chair of "General educational disciplines department";

• Foundation Program.