
February 19 , 2016
A roundtable held on basis of a curatorial demo lessons “Students, do you know your rights and responsibilities?” On February 19, 2016 the teachers of the “Kazakh and Russian languages” department Akimbekova G.Sh. and Bayely A.Zh. organized a roundtable based on a curatorial demo lesson “Students, do you know your rights and responsibilities?”. The participants of that event were AlmaU students of the 1st course, specialties “Finance”, “Region studies”, “Masnagement”, “Law”, “Account and Audit”, Kazakh department. Stepan Vladimirovich Bespalov, who is a lower in the Legal department of AlmaU, was invited as a guest. The aim of the roundtable was to consult the AlmaU contract devoted to “Providing educational services” and to discuss its paragraphs related to students’ rights and responsibilities. The students made reports on every paragraph of the contract mentioned above. After the students’ reports Mr. Bespalov had a chance to give a general description of the contract about “Providing educational services”. He also spoke about the University rights. Then Mr. Bespalov held a question-answer session which was very interesting for students.
February 10 , 2016
A meeting on a subject: "Language – a path to the world space" On February 5, 2016 the "Kazakh and Russian Languages" department organized a meeting on a subject: "Language – a path to the world space" with the representative of the Center of Development of the Polish education abroad, the teacher of Polish and history Henrik Pzhevzhey and with students of the 1st course. The guest shared his experience telling the students that speaking foreign languages not only helps climb up a career ladder, but also leads to understanding culture, history of the country of the learned language and to broadening horizons. "It seems to me, - the guest emphasized, - that the knowledge of several languages is a big advantage to a person. Language opens for us a way to a soul of this or that nation. Not only names of words, but also thoughts, feelings, unique features of this or that nation are transmitted through national language". Language skills give to students the chance to fulfil their abilities successfully in the world of educational space. Students showed a great interest to the subject discussed and asked a lot of questions. The meeting was held in a friendly, warm atmosphere.
December 29 , 2015
Заключительный вечер “Charity Awards” подвел итоги изучения студентами первого курса дисциплины “Service Learning”
October 30 , 2015
October 30, 2015 the Department of "Kazakh and Russian languages" was organized a gala evening on the theme of "Consent - priceless happiness" with the participation of students of different nationalities.
October 29 , 2015
October 29, 2015 the students of 2 course the Kazakh branch of the specialty Restaurant business and Hotеl Management University of Almaty and Almaty Technological University more held the Debates of the theme: "Restaurants business : Yesterday and Today".
October 23 , 2015
In the 2015-2016 academic year, the Department of the Kazakh and Russian languages created a new format of charity fund "Shapagat." The basic principle of the fund to establish a connection and make a voluntary, charitable initiative between the Department of the Kazakh and Russian languages of Almaty Management University and the №1 Children's Home in Almaty.
October 12 , 2015
В понедельник 28 сентября 2015 года прошло первое заседание клуба русского языка «Русландия». Русландия объединяет любителей русского языка из числа студентов первых курсов казахских отделений.
October 12 , 2015
Алматы Менеджмент Университетінде «СӨЗМЕРГЕН» көңілді тапқырлар сайында нағыз сөз шеберлері тіл додасына түсті.
October 08 , 2015
2015 жылы 11 ақпан күні  «Ұлағат» клубының аясында «Театр – өмір айнасы» атты кездесу кеші өткізілді. Кеш
October 08 , 2015
2014 жылы  29 желтоқсан күні  «Ойлылардың ойыны - Тоғызқұмалақ» атты Айгерім Қуанышқызымен сұхбаттасу кеші