
February, 10

A meeting on a subject: "Language – a path to the world space"

A meeting on a subject: "Language – a path to the world space"

On February 5, 2016 the "Kazakh and Russian Languages" department organized a meeting on a subject: "Language – a path to the world space" with the representative of the Center of Development of the Polish education abroad, the teacher of Polish and history Henrik Pzhevzhey and with students of the 1st course. The guest shared his experience telling the students that speaking foreign languages not only helps climb up a career ladder, but also leads to understanding culture, history of the country of the learned language and to broadening horizons.
"It seems to me, - the guest emphasized, - that the knowledge of several languages is a big advantage to a person. Language opens for us a way to a soul of this or that nation. Not only names of words, but also thoughts, feelings, unique features of this or that nation are transmitted through national language". Language skills give to students the chance to fulfil their abilities successfully in the world of educational space. Students showed a great interest to the subject discussed and asked a lot of questions. The meeting was held in a friendly, warm atmosphere.



