(1986-1991) Higher. Philosophy faculty. The Leningrad state university of Zhdanov.
Postgraduate study (1994-1997). Almaty state university of Abay.
Doctoral studies (2002-2005). The Kazakh national pedagogical university of Abay
1991-1994 – the teacher of chair of philosophy and political economy of Arkalyk pedagogical institute of I.Altynsarin.
1998-2013 - the senior teacher, the senior lecturer, professor chairs «Public disciplines» of the Kazakh national agrarian university
2013 - on the present - the senior lecturer of chair «Information technologies and general educational disciplines» Almaty Management University.
The Project «Intercultural communications as a condition of formation of competitive mentality of students in business education sphere (on example IAB)» (Laboratory «Intercultural communications» (АLMU)), 2014-2015.
The Scientific and technical program «Philosophical aspects of formation», «Islamic formation in the modern world (comparative approach)» (initiative), 2006-2008.
The Research program-project « Қазақстандық даму үлгісінің философиялық-мәдентеттанымдық парадигмасы (Қазақ елі – Жерұйық)»)», within the limits of the Government program "Cultural heritage", 2009-2011.
The Scientific and technical program «Formation of the Kazakhstan national model of formation: the multilevel approach in problem studying» (initiative, within the limits of a chair theme «Patriotic and ideological and political education of students in Kazakhstan»), 2011-2015.
The sociological project «About the special status of a city of Almaty», spent PF «Institute of social researches» by request of ГКП «the Center of the information and the analysis of Almaty» Akimat of Almaty, with 15.08.-30.10.2011.
1. Ibzharova Sh.А. The philosophical formation of education//Educational sobie.-2nd edition.-Almaty, 2010.-54 s.-3,8q.
2. Ibzharova Sh.А. Essence and evolution of idea of university: philosophical-culturological aspect // The monograph - 2nd edition. Almaty.-2010.-153 s.-11,4q.
3. Ibzharova Sh.А.Philosophy// Course of lectures for not philosophical speciality. - 2nd edition / Kazakh national agrarian university.-Almaty, 2010.-183 s.-11,4q.
4. Ibzharova Sh.А History and science philosophy. The manual. 2nd edition/Kazakh national agrarian university. - Almaty, 2010.-189 p.-11,8 q.
5. Ibzharova Sh.А The philosophical foundation of education. The manual/ Kazakh national agrarian university. - 71 p. - 4,5 q.
6. Ibzharova Sh.А. Anthropology idea in the dispositive of education// Materials of the international scientifically-practical conference "The present researches" - 2009. Volume 10. History. Philosophy. Policy. Sophia. «Bal Grad-BG» -72 p. - P. 49-52 -0,2 q.
7. Ibzharova Sh.А. The foundation of education and the concept of the person in classical and modern philosophical-anthropological thought: comparative approach//The Science. Philosophy. A society. Materials of V Russian philosophical congress. Volume III.-Novosibirsk: Parallel, 2009.-496 p.- P.438-439.-0,1 q.
8. Ibzharova Sh.А.Philosophy of education and philosophical education in an interrelation context in modern world and Kazakhstan philosophy//Materials of I Kazakhstan Philosophical Congress «Philosophy in the modern world: development strategy» on September, 25-28th, 2013, Almaty: IFandP MSE RК, 2013.-818 p., P.663-671.
9. Ibzharova Sh.А.Religion and formation (on an example of the theory of formation and education of Al-Attas) / Materials of republican scientifically-practical conference «A religion role in modern social and culturology space », on September, 27th, 2013, Pavlodar: PSPI, 2013.-189 p., P.149-154
10. Ibzharova Sh.А.The idea of university: Projection to the present / Republican scientific magazine. A science of Kazakhstan. №1, 2014. P.31-37.
11. Ibzharova Sh.А. New calls in destiny of university: the analysis of the present with the claim for the future / «Ғаламдық бәсекелстік ортадағы замануи білім беру» атты жаңашыл педагогтардың 2-ші Республикалық форумының еңбектері – Shymkent, VKSU of M.Auezov, 2014. – 204 p., P.48-52.
- International scientific conference «The Post-Soviet territory in a XXI-st century world order: priorities, features, the future», (Minsk Byelorussia), on October, 28-29th, 2010.
- Russian Sheleres Society and philosophical Faculty of St. Petersburg State University «Days of Petersburg Filosofii-2010», section «Mass and national consciousness in anthropology resentment а M.Shelers», (St.-Petersburg, Russia), on November, 18-20th, 2010
- International scientific-theoretical conference «Shulembaev readings ». Almaty. On March, 2-3nd, 2012.
- I Kazakhstan Philosophical Congress «Philosophy in the modern world: development strategy ». Almaty, on September, 25-28th, 2013.
- Republican scientifically-practical conference «A religion Role in modern social and culture space ». Pavlodar, on September, 27th, 2013.
- 2nd Republican Forum of teachers-innovators «Ғаламдық бәсекелстік ортадағы замануи білім беру», VKSU of M.Auezov, Shymkent, on April, 28-29th, 2014.
History and science philosophy (magistracy AlmaU) – Russian language
Philosophy, Philosophy of business, Ethics of business, Religious studies, Critical thinking, Service Learning (bachelor degree AlmaU) – Russian and Kazakh languages
1. The Grant-aided student of the state grants for talented young scientists RК (2003-2004).
2. The owner of the grant of MCE RК «The Best teacher of high school» (2009).
3. The owner of a breastplate «Айрықша еңбегі үшін» (2012, КazNAU).