Bakhyt Zhumakayeva


Docent of AlmaU
Candidate of sciences (History)  of the Russian Federation

Phone.: 8 (727)313 28 51 (IP 569)

1988 - 1993г.г. - Higher. History department. KazakhStateUniversity named after М.Kirov, then al Farabi. Professor of social and political disciplines.
2004-год - protection of scientific thesis in Moscow. 


January-March 1988 Secretary of Zhairem Executive committee, Dzhezkazgan region
1992-1993 – Secondary school № 146. Almaty. Teacher of history
1994- 1998 -Art Academy named after Zhurgenov Teacher of “General Disciplines” department
1998 – 2007- Kaspiy Public University. Head of the “General Disciplines” department
2007-2008 – KazUIRWL.  Head of the “World Culture and Civilization” department
2008 – up till now – AlmaU, senior lecturer of the “General Discipline” department
2010 – AlmaU, Director of the “Mediation and Conflict” center, business coach 

Scientific researches:

- The monograph “Political Behavior: Theory and Practice” 2011
- Textbook “Kazakhstan Tarikhy”, 2012

Course of lectures, seminars, area of scientific interests:
- History and science philosophy (magistracy АLMU) – Russian language
- Philosophy, Philosophy of business, Ethics of business, Religious studies, Critical thinking (bachelor degree АLMU) – Russian and Kazakh languages
Training, trainings, courses:
- IHQ KazGNU of Al-Farabi, a speciality "Philosophy" (1994).
- IHQ the Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov, a specialist "Philosophy" (2000).
- IHQ Treasury of Al-Farabi, a speciality "Philosophy" at the rate «History and science philosophy» (2006).
- IHQ the Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov, a speciality "Philosophy" (2010).
- Kaplan International College Covent Garden (London, Great Britain), the Course of Intensive English language (Elementary) (August, 2010).
- Association of High schools RK. The international institute of leadership. Political economy school. The Scientifically-methodological seminar «Philosophy of economic values» (November, 2013).
- Association of High schools RK. The international institute of leadership. Political economy school. The Scientifically-methodological seminar «Ekonomiks and Political economy: methodological collisions …» (December, 2013).
- The international Academy of Business. Winter school IAB (32 h.) «Communicative culture of the teacher of the higher school», «SMQ in IAB», "Oratory", «Corporate culture», «Formation of test tasks in a macro» (on January, 14-17th 2014).
- The Higher school of pedagogical skill of АLМА University «Interactive forms and methods of carrying out of employment in enterprise high school: a theoretical and practical substantiation» (36 h.) (05.09.-12.09.2014).
- The Higher school of pedagogical skill of АLМА University, the Module 1 «Pedagogical culture of the teacher of the higher school» (22 h.), the Module 2. «Modern technologies of training in high school» (28 ч.), the Module 3. «Qualitative interaction of the teacher of the higher school with student's group» (22 h.) (31.03.-12.06.2014).
1. «Концептуальные основы исследования политического поведения и политологии», Journal “Political issues”.

2. «Медиация – заман талабы». Materials of international scientific-practical forum.
3.“Толерантное общество как социокультурные основания человеческого капитала”  Materials of international scientific-practical conference, 2013
4. «Закон о медиации как  социокультурное основание толерантности общества»,
5.Materials of international forum «Mediation and corporative social », 2013

12-14 - October 2012. -  International scientific-practical conference. “Tolerant society as a socio-cultural foundation of human capital”  
25-28 September 2013. - I Kazakhstan Philosophical Congress “Philosophy of the modern world: strategy development”, Almaty 

1. Scholar of state scholarships for talented young scientists of Kazakhstan (2003-2004).
2. The holder of the grant MES "The best teacher of the university", 2009 // certificate.
3. The owner of the badge «Айрықша еңбегі үшін»  (2012, KNU).

1. Certification for “Basic skills of mediator” and “Skills of mediation in resolving corporate disputes: an advanced course” from the experts of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR).
2. Certified mediator, Certified trainer on mediation by the International School of Bulgaria and Spain
3. 2011-2012
Сertificate: Elsevier BV Participation in Science Direct and Scopus Training 2012. November 1, 2012 “International Academy of Business”.
4. 2012-2013
Certificate: International Summer Session of teachers, “Business Education Teachers Academy”, seminar trainer.
Methodology and practice of the original author’s courses development on the sample of the course: “Emotional Intelligence and competency management”, June 19-20, 2012.
Certificate. Seminar: “Philosophy and methodology of scientific research”. January 15-18, 2013, IAB, Almaty
Certificate. Training: “Mind Mapping”. January 14-15, 2013. IAB, Almaty
Certificate. Training: “Emotional competence as the basis for the effective dispute resolution”. January 16-17, 2013. IAB, Almaty (8 acad. hours).
Certificate. Workshop: “Introduction to Humanities” course in Russian as part of the Teacher Training Workshop/ University of Central Asia. The Aga Khan Humanities Project, February, 5-9, 2013.
Certificate for the preparation of mediators “Specialized Course of Mediation” in the frames of the III International Forum “Mediation and corporate social responsibility”
Certificate III International Forum “Mediation and corporate social responsibility”